Wedding Trends

Hot Trends for Weddings in Salt Lake City

Salt Lake City is an awesome place to have a wedding. If you will be getting married in the near future then keep reading. Even if you do not live in Salt Lake, this information can be a blessing as you plan your wedding.
Salt Lake City is filled with beautiful l wedding locations. These locations are made up of both indoor and outdoor venues that will provide an unforgettable wedding experience to anyone. Since there are so many venues you can find a venue that will match both your style and your personality.
Temple Weddings
Temple weddings are very popular in Salt Lake because of religious reasons. One trend of most temple weddings is a separate reception at a different location. Wedding and Sealing ceremonies are held in temples and receptions are then held in separate locations.
Dessert Tables
Since weddings are continuing to get more and more expensive it is very popular to feed guests dessert only. I have especially seen this trend at Salt Lake Weddings in recent months. This trend is fun and has a few advantages. One major advantage of serving dessert only is time. It takes time to serve a meal to all of your guests. If you treat your reception as an open house with a dessert table you are likely to have a higher turnout at your wedding.
Modest Wedding Dress’s
In Salt Lake there is a never ending trend of modesty. Modesty has been popular for decades and is not changing in Salt Lake for religious reasons. Long sleeves were in style years ago but today we are seeing lots of cap sleeve dresses.
Olympic History
Because the Olympics were held in Salt Lake City in 2002 there are several Olympic venues that can be incorporated into wedding events. Olympic venues are one of Salt Lake’s leading attractions when it comes to destination weddings.
Long Eyelashes
Long fake eyelashes are getting more popular as time goes on. Brides want their eyelashes to stand out in pictures and to all the guests.
Lace is being incorporated into several areas of the wedding. We are starting to see lace in the wedding dress as well as on the table linens. Lace looks beautiful and should be considered at any Salt Lake City WeddingThese are only a few popular trends but I hope we have given you some wedding planning ideas. Good luck with your wedding planning!

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